Course Front-end Pro

The course is designed for an in-depth study of the JavaScript programming language and the React library, which is used to create complex Front-end applications.
The popular JavaScript language is used when creating web applications to add interactivity to web pages. Writing code in React is very similar to working in HTML, which makes it easy to start writing code, missing the syntax. One of the main features of React is freedom of action.
On the course you will learn the principles of OOP, DOM, REST API and get practical skills in creating applications using React-stack that will allow you to apply for the position of Junior Front-end Developer.
- Learn to interact with servers using JavaScript
- Master OOP
- Learn to work with REST API
- Learn all the features of the React library
- Learn all the ins and outs, from how DOM works to how to build an app with Webpack
Variables, data types
Conditional statements
Arrays, Objects
- The concept of function
- Closing
- Recursion
- Execution context
Exception handling
- Event Model
- Event delegation
- Forms handling
- WebStorages
- Regular Expressions
- EventLoop
- OOP. Prototypes
- jQuery
- Ajax
- Fetch
- WebSockets
From EcmaScript 2015 to Today
- Node.js basics
- Basic concepts
- Express.js basics
Symbols, Iterators, Generators
Introduction to React
- React Ideology
- Basic Concepts
Class Components
Functional Components with Hooks
React-router. Error boundary
Working with React forms
Working with component libraries
- Antd
- Material UI
Testing React applications using cypress
Final project